Opening programme

Sunday 28. July marks the start of Olav's Festival 2019 with an extensive programme. Come and join us for the pilgrim breakfast and trek from Lian all the way through to the vigil in Nidaros Cathedral!

Programme for the opening day

08.00 and 08.30: Special, free Olav's Festival tram from St. Olavsgate to Lian.

08.30: Free breakfast at Lian.

10.00: Pilgrim wandering from Lian via Sverresborg Museum to the city centre and The Archbishop's Courtyard.

12.15: Pilgrims from Lian arrive at The Marketplace.

13.00: Opening event in The Archbishop's Courtyard (free).

14.00: Discussion between Håkon Gullvåg and Harald Stanghelle at The West Front Square.

15.00: Exhibition: Håkon Gullvåg's National portraits (National Portraits) in The Archbishop's Courtyard.

15:00: The transformation of life in the face of death. Conversation in Hospitalkirka arranged by Hospice Forum Norway, between photographer Gry Kristiansdatter Lilleng and music therapist Trine Lise Aasheim.

17.00: The transformation of Maria. Performance about Maria in The Bible and The Koran, Church of Our Lady.

19.00: A European Requiem by James MacMillan. Opening concert in Nidaros Cathedral.

20.00: We drink on holy ground. City tour.

20.00: Ambulatory service to St. Olav's vigil from Lade church and Sverresborg church centre.

21.30: Amulatory service from Church of Our Lady to St. Olav's vigil.

23.00: Midnight mass in Nidaros Cathedral.

00.00-06.00: Night vigil in Nidaros Cathedral including yoga and music by Kristoffer Lo and Petra Bjørkhaug.